Duty Calculation¶
Api SMC_TAXO V2 allow to estimate duty fees.
Base URL = https://taxo.imxpostal.fr/api
Description of api¶
Méthode : POST
Headers : * x-api-key : Secret code given by IMX
Url : https://taxo.imxpostal.fr/api/v1.1/duty_calculation
JSON Request Body Format¶
{ "products": [ { "identification": { "value": string }, "weight": number, "weight_unit": string, "quantity": number, "unit_price": number, "currency_unit_price": string, "unit_ship_price": number, "unit_packaging_price": number, "unit_insurance_price": number, "origin_country": string, "transport": { "type": string, "id": number }, } ], "lang": string, "from_country": string, "to_country": string, "from_district": string, "to_district": string, "shipment_type": string, "global_ship_price": number, "currency_global_ship_price": string, "global_packaging_price": number, "currency_global_packaging_price": string, "global_insurance_price": number, "currency_global_insurance_price": string, "included_tax": boolean, "incoterm": string, "extra_fees": number, "sender": { "pro": boolean, "revenue_country_annual": number, "currency_revenue_country_annual": string }, "transport": { "type": string, "id": number }, "transit_fees" : { "percentage": null, "amount" : 10, "currency" : "EUR", "on_products_price": false, "on_shipping_products_price": false, "on_global": true }, "receiver": { "pro": boolean, "activity_id": string } }
Request fields¶
"products" / "identification" / "value"¶
You need to fill this field with a HTS Code version 2017. Between 8 to 13 digits numbers.
Examples : 9503006100
Type : string
Required : yes
"products" / "weight"¶
You need to fill the "weight" field of the product with a number.
Examples : 12 or 3.5
Type : number
Required : yes if "unit_ship_price" and "currency_unit_ship_price"are not mentionned. Or if you request Switzerland in "from_country".
"products" / "weight_unit"¶
You can fill the "weight_unit" field with one of this two labels :
- "kg" : if you use the international metric system
- "lbs" : if you use the imperial system
Type : string
Required : yes if "unit_ship_price" and "currency_unit_ship_price"are not mentionned. Or if you request Switzerland in "from_country".
"products" / "quantity"¶
You need to fill the "quantity" field with a entire number representing your product units.
Examples : 1 or 9
Type : number
Required : yes
"products" / "unit_price"¶
You need to fill the "unit_price" field with a number representing the price of one item.
Examples : 39 or 99.90
Type : number
Required : yes.
"products" / "currency_unit_price"¶
You need to fill the "currency_unit_price" field of the product with a currency iso Alpha 3. Download the list of currencies with them name and code.
Examples : "EUR" or "CAD"
Type : string
Required : yes
"products" / "unit_ship_price"¶
You need to fill the "unit_ship_price" field of the product with a number.
Examples : 19 or 34.37
Type : number
Required : yes
"products" / "unit_packaging_price"¶
You need to fill the "unit_packaging_price" field of the product with a number.
Examples : 19 or 34.37
Type : number
Required : yes
"products" / "unit_insurance_price"¶
You need to fill the "unit_insurance_price" field of the product with a number.
Examples : 19 or 34.37
Type : number
Required : yes
"products" / "origin_country"¶
You need to fill the "origin_country" field with the Iso Alpha 2 or 3 code from where the product had build.
Examples : "FRA" or "VEN"
Type : string
Required : yes
"products" / "transport" / "type"¶
You need to fill the "transport" field of the shipping product(s) price.
Type : string
Required : optional (required if you want to know the duty fees by product)
"products" / "transport" / "id"¶
You need to fill the "transport" field of the shipping product(s) price with an id number. Download the list of carriers and freight forwarders.
Type : string
Required : optional (required if you want to know the duty fees by product)
"products" / "unit"¶
You need to fill the "unit" field with a entire number representing an other feature of product.
Examples : 1 or 9
Type : number
Required : optional
"products" / "unit_type"¶
You need to fill the "unit_price" field with a number representing the price of one item.
Examples : 39 or 99.90
Type : number
Required : optional and yes es if "unit" is mentioned.
You need to fill this field with a web language code of your product name or description.
3 languages are available :
- fr = french
- en = english
- es = spanish
Examples : "fr"
Type : string
Required : yes
You need to fill the "from_country" field with the country english label or Iso Alpha 2 or 3 from where the product is sent.
Examples : "Bulgaria" or "ZHN"
Type : string
Required : yes
You need to fill the "from_district" field with the Iso codes of the district from where the product is sent. Download the list of district.
Examples : "AL-11" or "FR-GES"
Type : string
Required : yes
You need to fill the "to_country" field with the country english label or Iso Alpha 2 or 3 from where the product arrives.
Examples : "Brazil" or "GLP"
Type : string
Required : yes
You need to fill the "to_district" field with the Iso codes of the district from where the product arrives. Download the list of district.
Examples : "AL-11" or "FR-GES"
Type : string
Required : yes
GLOBAL : global shipping
ARTICLE : One ship price per article
Type : enum
Required: yes
You need to fill the "global_ship_price" field with a number.
Examples : 450 or 3451.87
Type : number
Required : yes if shipment_type is GLOBAL
You need to fill the "currency_global_ship_price" field of the product with a currency iso Alpha 3.
Examples : "USD" or "AUD"
Type : string
Required : yes if shipment_type is GLOBAL
You need to fill the "global_packaging_price" field with a number.
Examples : 450 or 3451.87
Type : number
Required : yes if shipment_type is GLOBAL
You need to fill the "currency_global_packaging_price" field of the product with a currency iso Alpha 3.
Examples : "USD" or "AUD"
Type : string
Required : yes if shipment_type is GLOBAL
You need to fill the "global_insurance_price" field with a number.
Examples : 450 or 3451.87
Type : number
Required : yes if shipment_type is GLOBAL
You need to fill the "currency_global_insurance_price" field of the product with a currency iso Alpha 3.
Examples : "USD" or "AUD"
Type : string
Required : yes if shipment_type is GLOBAL
If you fill with true, we consider that the product(s) price is tax incl. So we will deduct the taxes attached to the departure country from the duties & taxes amount. If you fill with false or no value, we consider that the product(s) price is tax excl.
Examples : true or false
Type : boolean
Required : optional
2 choices : if it's CIF, we calcul the duties and taxes on product(s) and shipping price(s). If it's FOB, only on product(s).
Examples : CIF or FOB
Type : string
Required : optional
You can add extra fees to duties & taxes amount. You need to fill the "extra_fees" field with a number.
Examples : 0.02 or 0.1 (0.02 = 2% / 0.1 = 10%)
Type : number
Required : optional
"sender" / "pro"¶
You need to fill the "pro" field with true or false dependind if the sender is a business company or not.
Type : boolean
Required : yes
"sender" / "revenue_country_annual"¶
You need to fill the "revenue_country_annual" field with a number.
Examples : 34560 or 234567.98
Type : number
Required : yes if "sender" / "pro" field is "pro" and from_country & to_country are European countries.
"sender" / "currency_revenue_country_annual"¶
You need to fill the "currency_global_ship_price" field with a currency iso Alpha 3.
Examples : "USD" or "AUD"
Type : string
Required : yes if "sender" / pro" field is "pro" and from_country & to_country are European countries.
"receiver" / "pro"¶
You need to fill the "pro" field by "true" or "false" dependind if the receiver is a business company or not.
Type : boolean
Required : yes
"receiver" / "activity_id"¶
You need to fill the "activity_id" field with an activity code. Download the list of companies activities.
Examples : "0112Z" or "7161A"
Type : string
Required : yes if "receiver" / "pro" field is "pro".
"transport" / "type"¶
You can fill the "type" field of the transport company with "CARRIER" or "FREIGHT_FORWARDER".
Type : string
Required : optional (required if you want to know the duty fees)
"transport" / "id"¶
You can fill the "id" field of the transport company with an entire number.
Download the list of carriers and freight forwarders.
Examples : "01" or "28" Type : string Required : optional (required if you want to add automaticaly the duty fees)
"transit_fees" / "percentage"¶
You can fill the "percentage" field of your duty fees. Examples : "0.01" or "0.3" (0.01 = 1% / 0.3 = 30%) Type : number Required : optional
"transit_fees" / "amount"¶
You can fill the "amount" field of your duty fees. Examples : "10" or "29.99" Type : number Required : optional
"transit_fees" / "currency"¶
You can fill the "amount" field of your duty fees. Examples : "10" or "29.99" Type : number Required : optional (required you filled "transit_fees" / "amount" )
"transit_fees" / "on_products_price"¶
You have three choices : on_products_price / on_shipping_products_price / on_global If on_products_price = true, the transit_fees will be calculated only on the price of product(s). Examples : "true" or "false" Type : boolean Required : optional but required if you fill a value in transit_fees, percentage or amount/currency
"transit_fees" / "on_shipping_products_price"¶
You have three choices : on_products_price / on_shipping_products_price / on_global If on_shipping_products_price = true, the transit_fees will be calculated only on the price of shipping. Examples : "true" or "false" Type : boolean Required : optional but required if you fill a value in transit_fees, percentage or amount/currency
"transit_fees" / "on_global"¶
You have three choices : on_products_price / on_shipping_products_price / on_global If on_global = true, the transit_fees will be calculated only on the price of product(s) and the shipping. Examples : "true" or "false" Type : boolean Required : optional but required if you fill a value in transit_fees, percentage or amount/currency
JSON Response Format¶
{ "products": [ { "vat": [ { "label": "string", "percentage": number, "product_taxes_amount": number, "shipping_taxes_amount": number, "packaging_taxes_amount": number, "insurance_taxes_amount": number, "message": "string" } ], ], "shipping_global": { "vat": [ { "label": "string", "amount": number, "percentage": number } ] }, "packaging_global": { "vat": [ { "label": "string", "amount": number, "percentage": number } ] }, "insurance_global": { "vat": [ { "label": "string", "amount": number, "percentage": number } ] }, "incoterm": "string", "extra_fees": { "percentage": number, "amount": number, "currency": "string" }, "global": { "amount": number }, "timestamp": number }
Response fields & values¶
"products" / "vat" / "label"¶
The value is the label of VAT tax. It depends on the "to_country" field in the request.
Examples : vat or gst
File type : string
"products" / "vat" / "percentage"¶
The value is the percentage (%) of VAT tax.
Examples : 3 or 1.5
File type : number
"products" / "vat" / "product_taxes_amount"¶
The value is the amount of : ("unit_ship_price" x "products" / "vat" / "percentage"). The currency of this amount depends on "currency_unit_ship_price".
Examples : 3.45 or 2
File type : number
"products" / "vat" / "shipping_taxes_amount"¶
The value is the amount of : ("unit_price" x "products" / "vat" / "percentage"). The currency of this amount depends on "currency_unit_ship_price".
Examples : 2.88 or 9
File type : number
"products" / "vat" / "packaging_taxes_amount"¶
The value is the amount of : ("unit_price" x "products" / "vat" / "percentage"). The currency of this amount depends on "currency_unit_ship_price".
Examples : 2.88 or 9
File type : number
"products" / "vat" / "insurance_taxes_amount"¶
The value is the amount of : ("unit_price" x "products" / "vat" / "percentage"). The currency of this amount depends on "currency_unit_ship_price".
Examples : 2.88 or 9
File type : number
The value is the locale rule.
Examples : European Country
File type : string
"shipping_global" / "vat" / "label"¶
The value is the label of VAT tax. It depends on the "to_country" field in the request.
Examples : vat or gst
File type : string
"shipping_global" / "vat" / "amount"¶
The value is the amount of : ("global_ship_price" x "shipping_global" / "vat" / "percentage"). The currency of this amount depend of "currency_global_ship_price".
Examples : 345 or 29.99
File type : number
"shipping_global" / "vat" / "percentage"¶
The value is the percentage (%) of VAT tax.
Examples : 3 or 1.5
File type : number
"packaging_global" / "vat" / "label"¶
The value is the label of VAT tax. It depends on the "to_country" field in the request.
Examples : vat or gst
File type : string
"packaging_global" / "vat" / "amount"¶
The value is the amount of : ("global_ship_price" x "packaging_global" / "vat" / "percentage"). The currency of this amount depend of "currency_global_ship_price".
Examples : 345 or 29.99
File type : number
"packaging_global" / "vat" / "percentage"¶
The value is the percentage (%) of VAT tax.
Examples : 3 or 1.5
File type : number
"insurance_global" / "vat" / "label"¶
The value is the label of VAT tax. It depends on the "to_country" field in the request.
Examples : vat or gst
File type : string
"insurance_global" / "vat" / "amount"¶
The value is the amount of : ("global_ship_price" x "insurance_global" / "vat" / "percentage"). The currency of this amount depend of "currency_global_ship_price".
Examples : 345 or 29.99
File type : number
"insurance_global" / "vat" / "percentage"¶
The value is the percentage (%) of VAT tax.
Examples : 3 or 1.5
File type : number
The value is CIF or FOB dependind of your request.
Type : string
Required : yes
"extra_fees" / "percentage"¶
The value is the percentage (%) of VAT tax.
Examples : 3 or 1.5
File type : number
"extra_fees" / "amount"¶
The value is the amount of : ("global_ship_price" x "extra_fees" / "vat" / "percentage"). The currency of this amount depend of "currency_global_ship_price".
Examples : 345 or 29.99
File type : number
"extra_fees" / "currency"¶
The value is the currency.
Examples : EUR
File type : string
"global" / "amount"¶
The value is the sum of all amount fields.
Examples : 1675 or 80.98
File type : number
Warning : 1 product = 1 request / 3 products = 3 requests