With error.py

# Request with errors
# This is the same request as before, but the postal code is invalid (4 digits).
import base64
import pprint
from jsonrpclib import Server

server = Server("https://webservice.imxpostal.fr/smc/rpc/")
# Credentials to be given by IMX
USERNAME = "..." # given by IMX
PASSWORD = "..." # given by IMX
ACCOUNT = "..." # given by IMX

data = {
    "account": ACCOUNT,
    "reference": "your reference number 3",
    "options": {
        "service": "1",
        "carrier": "gls",
        "carrier_tracking_id": True,
        "label": True,
        "parcel_description": {
            "weight": "2.4", # in kg
        "addressee": {
            "name": "Olivier Migeon",
            "company": "IMX postal",
            "address1": "110b avenue General Leclerc",
            "postcode": "9350",
            "town": "Pantin",
            "country": "FR",

output = server.api.declare_parcel(username, password, data)

# Response is as follow :
# {u'errors': [{u'code': u'INVALID',
#               u'field': u'addressee.postcode',
#               u'message': u'Valeur invalide',
#               u'value': u'9350'}],
#  u'infos': [],
#  u'label_source': u'gls',
#  u'success': False,
#  u'warnings': []}