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Taxonomie HS10 Codes Import et Export

The SMC_TAXO V2 API allows you to have the HS10 Export and Import codes.

Base URL =

Api description

Method : GET

Url :

Parameters :

* hscode : the product hs6code. Can be obtained with the SMC TAXONOMY API 
(endpoint :`api/v1.1/get_datas`).  
* sc : source country code in ISO 3166-1 alpha 2.
* dc : destination country code in ISO 3166-1 alpha 2.
* desc : description of the product in english. It is not required if hscode is filled.

Headers : * x-api-key : Secret code given by IMX

Response in JSON format :

Property Description
10digitExportCode HS10Code Export of the hscode article entered as a parameter.
10digitImportCode HS10Code Import of the hscode article entered as parameter.
destinationCountry Destination Country code, the same value passed in parameter dc.
sourceCountry Country Source code, the same value passed in parameter sc.
success Boolean result of the request. False if there is an error, otherwise true.
suitableDescription The description of the item.
suitableHS6code The hs6code code, the same value passed in parameter hscode.
message Si success vaut false, alors message fournit la description de l’erreur.

Example 1 : Correct case

By providing correct parameters:

* hscode = 420212
* sc = FR
* dc = CH

Call to api smc_taxo :

Response :

    "10digitExportCode": "4202129110",
    "10digitImportCode": "4202120000",
    "destinationCountry": "CH",
    "sourceCountry": "FR",
    "success": true,
    "suitableDescription": "attache case",
    "suitableHS6code": "420212"

Example 2 : An error with HS6Code of param hscode

In case the hscode parameter does not match any of the existing products:

* hscode = 420210
* sc = FR
* dc = CH

Call to api smc_taxo :

Response :

    "message": "Response from Zephyr is not correct.",
    "success": false

Example 3 : An error with one of codes country

In the case one of the country, source or destination codes specified is not correct:

* hscode = 420212
* sc = FR
* dc = C

Appel api smc_taxo :

Response :

    "message": "The Source* Contry or Destination* Country does not exist.",
    "success": false

Exemple 4 : Incorrect or missing header x-api-key

If no header value is passed or the value is incorrect.

Response :

```json { "message": "You doesn't have permission to access.", "success": false }