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Delivery tracking

Delivery tracking public URLS

IMX provides to its clients the website which enables, after authentication, to get the tracking of all your parcels with features such as filters (by status, by country, by date) or exportation to Excel.

IMX provides also public URLS for individual tracking. Those do not require authentication. Therefore, they do not contain private data such as names or addresses.

Those URLS are built :

  • either from a combination of a four-letters client prefix given by IMX and your own reference for this parcel. For instance, the URL for the client TEST regarding parcel 2011521268112 would be
  • or from the IMX ID (numerical, seven digits). For instance, the URL for the parcel which internal reference at IMX is 1805170 would be

HTML Format

Tracking is available in HTML format, in the following languages : French, English, German. Language’s choice is automatic, according to the browser’s preference.

JSON format

Tracking is available in JSON format as well, UTF-8 - encoded, for automatic processing.

Available fields are :

  • id : IMX internal reference.
  • reference : Client’s reference.
  • statut_code : tracking status (see reference below).
  • statut : tracking description (in English).
  • date_statut : last status date (YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS).

Those URLS are built the same way as the HTML ones, with json at the end, instead of html:


Redirection URL

IMX provides as well transparent redirection URLs towards the final carrier’s website, in case tracking is available there. Otherwise, the tracking is provided by IMX.

Those URLS are built the same way :


In case of success, the declare_parcel response contains the HTML URL of the generated parcel.